Bring the Rain!
>> Saturday, June 16, 2012
Here in Central Illinois, we need the rain BAD. You see the corn in the picture? The stalks are curling up. My husband said that it's trying to protect itself from the sun. There's only so much it can do, though before it gets burnt. What it needs is a good soaking rain and then some more.
That's what I do too, when I'm in a dry spell in my walk with the Lord. I close myself up. I shield myself from getting hurt.
This corn is begging to be watered though. The stalks are reaching toward heaven. When I stood beside the field taking these pictures, I could hear the stalks rubbing together making their own music. "Please bring the rain," they plead in unison. "Please bring the rain."
I suppose I plead the same thing yet I'm in control. Duh. Open the Book. Pray. Listen. Summers are my very hardest times emotionally for some odd reason. You would think it would be the best because I don't work. I have all this free time I'm not disciplined enough to handle it and I spiral down into a free fall.
And then I give in to the physical pain that seeks to bring me down all the school year. It knocks me flat and flat is where I usually end up staying. Knowing this is how I am, I was ready this time. I prayed that God would bring my rain. And He did.
I'm volunteering at The Lighthouse Thrift Store a couple times a days a each week this summer. That has brought so much joy into my life, you just can't imagine. It has also taught me some new skills. I've never used a cash register before. Who said you can't teach old dogs new tricks? So there! :) I've needed a woman to pour into my life, and God gave me that woman in Linda Kropp, the owner of the Lighthouse. She's just what I needed in this season of my life and I'm learning so much from her by watching her interact with customers and the volunteers and being part of her prayer circles. She is a godly woman and I want to be like her when I grow up:)
I'm going off on an adventure next week with a small group of women friends to Florida. That will be relaxing and fun. God is so good to allow me to do this. It was about five years ago now, I think, when Josh Janoski showed Mari and me that we COULD meet even though we were 2,000 miles away. Since then, we've been doing just that. The world is a small place to the younger generation than it is to us, for sure. Josh had to prove it to us and we learned he was right! I'll be forever grateful to Josh and all he did for us! And now he's married and a daddy. I'm so proud of him!
And at the end of July, God has more travelling in store for me. It's been a wonderful summer already. Oh! And I forgot about Special Touch Camp! I've also done quite a bit of writing, editing and lots of reading!
God is good. I'm excited for this summer and I certainly don't want to think about the dreaded 's' word! Not yet anyway. I'll be ready to go back when it's time but not yet. For now, I'm enjoying each day as it comes, whatever God has in store for me. Each one is unique. I love that!
Meanwhile, I'm praying that God brings that physical rain. We do
need it bad. And I can always use more spiritual rain to fall. Fall on us all, Holy Spirit.
"You heavens above, rain down righteousness; let the clouds shower it down. Let the earth open wide, let salvation spring up, let righteousness grow with it; I, the LORD, have created it." NIV
P.S. Thank You God, for bringing the rain only a few hours after I wrote this blog!