Off-Line but not Out-of-Touch!

>> Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I will be shutting my blog down a bit for some "changes." It might be today. Might be tomorrow -- will be soon anyway:) Good things come to those that wait -- yes? I'll probably be enlisting the help of my blogging friends for advice, too, so BEWARE!!!

My friend Mari moves out of her house today. Please pray. They really really need some doors to open. Prayers are helping her through this for sure. Don't forget to pray for her husband, Les, and their son, Kyle, too. These economic times are starting to affect many of my friends. It's really scary. God is in control, though, and we will continue to praise Him through it all -- praise and pray - pray and praise. And then we praise and pray some more. Thank you for joining with us.

Mari wrote a new blog last night, too. Don't know how she had time to fit it in. Please check it out and encourage her. She told me things are so hard with everyone praying for her. She can't even imagine (and doesn't want to) how bad it would be without those prayers.

Keep your eyes looking to the skies. Maybe today, yes? If not, we will continue to pray and praise, praise and pray.

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