
>> Thursday, February 3, 2011

"If my people, who are called by my name, 
will humble themselves 
and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
 then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin 
and will heal their land."  
(2 Chronicles 7:14)

This verse is found in day 32 of B90X, the Word of the Lord to King Solomon at the time the King was dedicating the temple.  We know from Biblical history, that the Israelites constantly turned away from their Lord.  Then, good to His Word, God would bring them under oppression; the people would then again cry out to God; and God would bring relief to them once again.  It was a constant cycle.  

It sounds so simple.  All they had to do was seek after God.  Humble themselves.  Pray.  Seek God's face.  Turn away from wicked ways.  So simple.  Yet we can't condemn the Israelites because we do the same thing.  Sometimes we get so complacent in our lives that we let things slip.  The hard times that fall on us serve to bring us back to God so we should be thankful.  

I chose a book to review from WaterBrook Multnomah, Radical.  Several groups from my church are reading the book right now, so it was a good time to go for it.

This book by David Platt, calls for us to live radically; to live the way Jesus lived.  I have to admit, after reading just the first chapter, when I sat in church that following Sunday, I felt extreme guilt.  When so many others around the world worship the Lord in secret, on hard chairs, or no chairs at all; I still complain about it being too hot or the lights are too bright, or music too loud.  

David calls for a radical change in our lives.  He asks that we take a year and do these things:  pray for the world; read through the Bible; sacrifice money for a specific purpose; spend time in another place serving God; and commit your life to working in your community.

He says this, "I believe-no, I know--that if you stick to these challenges for a whole year, you will find yourself coming alive like never before. You will know the incomparable thrill of being a part of what God is up to where you live and around the world. You will be ready to shed forever the unworthy parts of the American dream and hold on to the beautiful and lasting dream that God has designed for you." (pg. 186)

If you are happy with your life; happy living in a state of complacency, then I recommend you not read this book. It is a good read, yet honestly, if all you read this year is the Bible, and you really really read it, and ask God to speak to you as you do, then you can write your own book; live your own exceptional life in Christ.

Praying we all can live a 2 Chronicles 7:14 life starting today.

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