100 Words
>> Sunday, September 25, 2011
Jan Ackerson has a very unusual blog. She writes each post in only 100 words. I thought I would try my hand. It's not as easy as it looks. Mine is below but make sure you go take a look at Jan's blog called, One Hundred Words. She's also hosting a writing contest right now too. It's over the 26th so you better hurry to get in on that!
My name, along with a poke on my arm, in case I’m suddenly hearing-impaired, starts each of their sentences and my day.
“Mrs. Huuubrich, tttthe Bbbears wwwwoon.”
“Mrs. Hubrich, Dougie thinks he’s the boss of me...”
I hand out hugs, admonishments, and high-fives from 8:00-3:25.
Welcome to my world!