Ten Reasons Why I Blog!

>> Sunday, May 4, 2008

I've been tagged by Kristen at her Exemplify blog http://www.kristenschiffman.com/ to share ten reasons why I blog. Well, here goes:

#1 -- I blog because I am an adult and can do whatever I want to do! How's that? LOL!

#2 -- For someone that has always loved to write in diaries, until I realized, "Dear Diary," could really care less who I liked or what I wore each day:) to journaling when I grew up and was exploring my relationship with God, blogging was a natural progression. I LOVE TO BLOG! and I LOVE TO READ OTHER BLOGGERS writings!

#3 -- Lessee, I am as transparent as can be, so blogging isn't scary to me one bit. I don't mind letting others see how I struggle. In fact, its a blessing because it draws us closer together, realizing we are all in the same muddy mire of life and we all are up on the mountaintops, sometimes, in a split second even!

#4 -- Why I love to blog? Hmmm... It helps me explore my own thoughts and feelings each day.

#5 -- It opens up a window for my dad to know me. We've never really shared together before. I may be transparent, but not with my parents. Blogging has drawn us closer together, I do believe:) I love that!

#6 -- Well now, how do I top that one? It brought me to tears! Blogging, blogging... it gives me loyal followers. That's something that every wannabe author wants, of course. All we want is someone to read what we pour our heart and souls into. Readership! Yes! I absolutely love my readers!

#7 -- Wow, this is getting harder now. #7... Because I can? Have I played the, "I'm an adult and can do whatever I wanna do" card? Oh rats! I have. Anyway, tis true. God used another blogger to show me the wonders of blogging. I think it was Patty's Patterings, actually and she's the one I'm going to tag next! I love my Patty!

#8 -- I blog because it is one way I can show God my love for Him. One way I can live for Him and let my light shine.

#9 -- I love that blogging has brought me into a new community of Christian writers and I get to "know" them like they get to "know" me.

#10 -- Shouldn't #10 have a drum roll or something? Maybe I should have made #10 the best, most fanatastic one of all. But no, I have to think. Am thinking.... lessee... My mind thinks in stories and analogies. Anything that happens in my life, I'm thinking, wow! that would make a great story! Blogging gives me a way to channel those thoughts into something that I easily have time to do. It is not a chore but is a big gynormous blessing to me each day! GYNORMOUS I tell you!

Now I am tagging two others to share with me and tons of others why they blog:

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